quinta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2009

Tema: I'm done

I’m done

blaming the start
(it’s not a dart)

throwing my art
I’ll just need heart

then I’ll be smart
whichever the part

enough of

blaming my art
(that’s not my part)

throwing my heart
I’ll just be smart

then I’ll try the dart
whenever we start

I’m through

blaming my heart
(that’s not so smart)

throwing the dart
I’ll just do my part

then I’ll try to start
whatever we call art

art is the part of my heart that was missed by the smart dart of the start

Pedro Paulo de Andrade Jr.

Narcisistic discution on the water mirror

I’m not in mood
I did more than could

I’ve tried give you peace
I’ve tried not to leave.

But I’m done.

I’m done with rules.
I’m done to be cruel.
I’m done to be true.
I’m done to be you.

I’m done to been done.

Augusto Moreno dos Anjos
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